We are honored to introduce the February Leading Lady Spotlight – Lisa Hempfling
Co-Owner Love & Macs and Membership Director
Five Seasons Family Sports Club
Home & Family: Lives in Florence, Ky with her family
Education: NKU – 2 years, trained baker, and PT Certification through ACE Fitness
Hobbies: Cooking and baking, working out, learning more about marketing/business
What do you love about living in NKY? The change of the seasons!
Who is your biggest influence? My grandparents. My grandma taught me how to bake. My grandpa taught me how to be kind to others. They both taught me to love unconditionally and to always find your inner strength through adversity.
What is one goal you’ve set for 2021? To grow Love & Macs with my friend and co-owner by connecting with the community around us.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Help others to de-stress. I see so many people I know that have reached their limit during 2020 and I just want to help them feel less stressed.
Do you have a cause or charity that is close to your heart? Explain. Two, actually. St E Cancer Center and Hospice Care of St Elizabeth. Anyone who has gone through, or lost someone to cancer one, knows that they are invaluable to the patients and families they serve. They are near and dear to my heart. And of course, I have to add I Have Wings and Chicks & Chucks- two more amazing local charities who support cancer patients.
If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would that be? DELEGATE. Don’t be afraid NOT to do everything- and it’s ok to ask for help
Women tend to be multi-takers. Do you have a system that you love that might be good for others? I’m a list and calendar person. I’m a visual person so I need to see it. I use my smart phone, but I prefer paper.
Do you have a routine each day that helps to keep you balanced? I have a loose routine- between the Five Seasons and Love & Macs, I need to be uber flexible with my schedule. I also think that helps keep me from being stressed out when things come up or change.
Favorite ice cream flavor? Butter pecan
Lisa’s Contact Information
Co-Owner Love & Macs
Membership Director
Five Seasons Family Sports Club
345 Thomas More Parkway | Crestview Hills, KY41017