We are honored to introduce the Leading Lady Spotlight – Lyndsey Yeager
Professional Makeup Artist/Owner of Glossa Professional Makeup Artistry
Lyndsey’s Contact Information
Lyndsey Yeager
Professional Makeup Artist/Owner of Glossa Professional Makeup Artistry
Cell: 859-816-5647
Home & Family: Lives in Ludlow, KY with Lily Marie (daughter) and Anabelle Lee (cat)
Education: Bachelors in Theater and Communications from Northern Kentucky University, Journeyman from Make Up Desionory in Los Angeles, CA, Masters in Ministries Leadership from Belhaven University in Jackson, MS
Hobbies: I love skateboarding, riding horses, cleaning (I am a weirdo), working with my church 7 Hills Church and I am just starting as a volunteer Chaplain at St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Who you work for and what you love about the work you do?
Being a makeup artist is a hard job to explain, its never been just about putting makeup on people. I love being a makeup artist because it gives me the opportunity to intimately engage with someone and make them feel the most confident about themself as they can. I have worked with celebrities, productions, brides, teenagers, boudoir, and even nursing home fashion shows…whatever the reason to have makeup done the energy is always the same, supportive, encouraging, and infusing positivity with each brushstroke. Owning a business has allowed me the opportunity to work with a group of women I believe in and who I can support in leadership to help them succeed. I not only see makeup as an art it is an expression of love.
Who is your biggest influence? (barring family)
My life changed when I met my daughter’s preschool teacher Yvonne. I know this sounds weird but stick with me on this. My daughter goes to a Montessori school so she had the SAME teacher from age 3 to Kindergarten, Lily went an extra year so she was in her class for 4 years. Yvonne has the most gentle spirit, always kind, always positive, she exudes peace, she listens, she never judges, she is always supportive and even when its time to be firm with the children she does it lovingly. From my first meeting with her, I left in tears knowing that “when I grow up I want to be like Yvonne”. Having Yvonne in our lives changed me for the better, I look at life differently, and hopefully, my interactions with those around me exemplify her influence.
What qualities make a great leader?
I think a great leader LISTENS. As I mentioned, I have a Masters degree in Leadership so I have read a copious amount of books on leadership. For my thesis, I wrote a College Women’s Ministry plan. Through all of my studies of corporate leadership, organization leadership and influence one thread are that the leaders who made the MOST impact are the ones who were excellent listeners. They engaged with the people around them with laser-beam focus on what they were communicating, the absorbed what they were saying and then they took mindful action based on what they heard the needs of the people they are serving.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Paint. I am an artist of the face but not of the canvas. My mother is an amazing artist. I always look at her creation in awe that she knows how to paint and more importantly that she does it so beautifully. I have a gallery of my mom’s work in my home and I cherish it.
Do you have a cause or charity that is close to your heart? Explain.
Yes, the Brighton Center. This organization provides SO many programs to our community that people aren’t even aware of. For years, my makeup artists and hairstylists volunteered to give, as a “perk” of their graduation of the Center for Employee Training, hair cuts and job interview appropriate makeup lessons. We met so many neat women who were committed to getting educated to take their family out of poverty it was impactful. This is just one program not many people know about and there is so much more. What the center does for our community is inspiring.
If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would that be?
Seek wise counsel – instead of listening to what my other “young friends” thought about a decision I was faced with I should have looked for advice from people who knew better than I did. I was a stubborn young person and made a lot of decisions on my own.
Women tend to be multi-takers. Do you have a system that you love that might be good for others?
At one point in my career, I was running a national fitness competition makeup division of my company serving 20 states while working for NBC Sports while getting a Masters degree and being a mom. The BEST thing I ever did was remove notifications from my phone (email, Facebook, Instagram) and instead set INTENTIONAL times a day that I was going to check so that way I wasn’t answering emails while I was trying to watch gymnastics practice or hearing my phone ding while trying to get out of the grocery store. It removed so much pressure to eliminate that distraction and set boundaries for myself and my clients as to when I was going to respond.
Do you have a routine each day that helps to keep you balanced?
Every morning I wake up and pray either on my own or through a guided prayer from a Pastor I follow online called Church Home and every night I go to bed listening to praise music and I write down a list of things I am grateful for. I start my day with God and end my day with God. Making God a priority has changed everything in my life.
Is there anything else you want to share that you believe would be helpful to encourage other women?
We are our own worst critics. Be kind to yourself. Instead of looking at your faults and shortcomings, be confident in who you are and WHOSE you are. Sure, I put makeup on people for a living and it seems so contradictory for me to say to be yourself but the truth is makeup can only do so much, the rest is left up to giving yourself permission to shine from the inside. “Outer beauty is a gift, inner beauty is an accomplishment.”