Presenting the February Leading Ladies NKY Spotlight: Megan Jackson
Where you live: Independence, KY
Family members & pets: Married for 17 years to Brandon. We have 3 daughters – Siena (15), McKenna (9) and Brooklyn (7). And, our Covid-inspired puppy, Simon, that turned 1 on January 30th.
Occupation & Employer: Development Director for Master Provisions. I like to joke with our President, Roger Babik, that he can count on me to raise funds but don’t ask me to count the money. We all have our strengths and math is not one of mine.
Education: I am a graduate of Western Kentucky University where I studied Spanish and International Business. Go TOPS!
Hobbies: I love to travel! Whether it’s visiting a new place down the road or a different country, there is nothing like stepping into an unfamiliar place and having new experiences.
What do you love about NKY?
I moved 18 times before I graduated high school and have lived in 6 states so I know that Northern Kentucky is the BEST place to live! (I mean, I feel I’ve done the research) Our community is strong, vibrant, welcoming and, most importantly, caring. If this hasn’t been your experience, call me and give me a chance to change your mind.
What is one goal you’ve set for 2022?
“Keep the main thing the main thing!” See, I suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) and that often mixes up my priorities. Master Provisions focuses on serving God and makes it a priority everyday. Working at MP has helped me to grow in the area of personally keeping my priorities inline: God, Family, Others (that includes me!).
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I’ve been known to talk a lot so if I could learn to do anything it would be to learn multiple languages. What a gift it would be to communicate and build relationships without a language barrier.
Do you have a cause or charity that is close to your heart?
I can’t imagine not being involved in some way each day to spread love and uplift others. It’s why I work at Master Provisions; a nonprofit agency that serves other nonprofits regionally and overseas by connecting them with surplus food and other resources. Food and supplies may be the resources being connected but loving others the way God loves us is the priority. I am also an advocate for the impact Covington Partners has on Covington students. Their intentional work to ensure each student realizes and reaches their full potential is inspiring. I serve on the Board of Directors and have been a Mentor for a Holmes high school student for 7 years.
Favorite ice cream flavor? UDF Peanut Butter & Jelly
What is the best book you’ve ever read? Yellow Envelope
It’s been said that all great people can have their lives summed up in one sentence.
“Say yes.” Not to more meetings, events, and to-do’s but to stepping out of your comfort zone. I am grateful to my friend, Michelle Lorms, who encouraged me two years ago to live boldly for Jesus and for myself. I’m still sometimes uncomfortable praying with others in public and public speaking but I’ve never regretted saying yes to those opportunities.
Contact Megan:
Megan Jackson | Master Provisions Development Director
859-474-0467 | 7725 Foundation Dr., Florence, KY 41042