Meet the 1st Leading Lady of 2022, Tracie Person, CMP, MTA Union, KY
Family members & pets: Jon (husband), Daughters Ava (8) and Lena (6), Yellow lab Brutus and Black lab Sioux
Occupation: I wear a couple different hats: first and foremost, I am a mom and wife. Second to that I am a Vice President of Global Accounts for HPN Global, adjunct professor for Madonna University, group fitness instructor at Living Well Fitness and Beachbody coach.
In my role at HPN Global, I work with my clients to help save them time and money on their events and hotel guest room needs. Prior to joining HPN in August 2017, I worked for Hyatt Hotels & Resorts for 15 years and prior to that, worked for the IHG brand Holiday Inn when I was in high school and completing my undergraduate degree. My clients include Fortune 1000 corporations, professional associations and sports teams. I assist with small room blocks of 10 to sales kickoff events to large annual conferences. My site selection services are complimentary.
I am also passionate about helping others achieve their fitness or health goals as I myself gained a lot of weight when I had my daughters. Thru using Beachbody fitness & nutrition programs and using their products, plus the support of the community, I feel better than ever at 41.
Education: Master of Tourism Administration from The George Washington University and Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management from Johnson and Wales University. I am also certified in Transform LIVE (group fitness format) by Shaun T and Ultimate Portion Fix Master Coach (Beachbody nutrition plan)
Hobbies: Exercising daily, Skiing in the winter at Perfect North, boating in the summer at Williamstown Lake, stand up paddle boarding
What do you love about NKY? It is a great place to raise a family and offers so much within driving distance from skiing to boating. I also love the network of female professionals in this area. I have formed many professional and personal friendships thru Leading Ladies NKY.
Who is your biggest influence? My Mom. She was a working mom thru my childhood but was still always there for every soccer game and field trip. She relocated here when I had my second daughter and love her support so I can balance work and being a mom.
Do you have a cause or charity that is close to your heart?
We have so many great local charities in this area! Can I name a few: Cincinnati Wine Festival- they give back to local charities thru the money they raise at their events including Master Provisions (another local charity close to my heart as I love how they don’t waste any of the clothing donations they receive). I also love and personally support the I Have Wings Foundation and Go Pantry as well.
Women tend to be multi-takers. Do you have a system that you love that might be good for others? Lists! and prioritizing tasks based on what REALLY needs to get done and what can wait
Do you have a routine each day that helps to keep you balanced?
Exercising daily in the morning (even if it is a 5 minute yoga stretch). It doesn’t always happen first thing, but it gets my head in the right place and when I take care of myself, I am best to tackle what the day has in store for me.
What’s a product or service you are currently loving?
I am about to finish my first round of a new Beachbody program Job 1 and begin my second round January 3. It is just 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I love how efficient but still challenging the program is. I also love that it uses a mix of weights and loops for strength training.
What is the best book you’ve ever read? The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
I have a couple: Take care of yourself so you can best take care of others, get enough sleep so you can best function (I have learned how not getting enough sleep can affect your brain function, ability to lose weight and much more- I take my sleep very seriously), applied knowledge is power (you can listen to all the podcasts and read all the books, but if you don’t apply it or learn something from it- you have wasted your time) and finally, FAMILY first (at the end of the day- they are what matters most).
Contact Tracie