We are excited to feature the Fellowship of Christian Athletes as May’s Non-Profit Spotlight. Meredith Heater, Northern Kentucky area manager, explained the organization’s mission and how it serves the community.
Northern Kentucky FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Seeing Northern Kentucky transformed by Jesus by ministering TO and THROUGH coaches.
Mission: To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
When did the organization start and by whom?
FCA started in 1954 by Don Maclaren. He had this idea that if professional athletes could endorse products, why couldn’t they also endorse Jesus, and use their platform to share the gospel.
What makes your organization stand out among others?
Our organization is different from other Christian organizations in that we seek to use sports as a means to reach coaches and athletes specifically with the gospel. We recognize the enormous impact that sports play in our culture. It’s really a universal language to some degree. We also recognize the great impact that Coaches can have on their athletes and we strive to make all coaches a disciple who will then go on to make more disciples as they use their influence to impact athletes and point them to Jesus and a relationship with Him.
What are the greatest needs of the organization?
Financial support for staff and connecting them to local coaches to help build new relationships
Who do you assist? We focus our ministry on Engaging, Equipping, and Empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire, and change the world through the gospel. Why? We do this in order to live out the great commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 where He says to “go and make disciples of all nations”.
How can people get involved with the organization?
They can join the team in a variety of ways. They can volunteer to help a local huddle, train to be a character coach on a local team, point coaches toward our ministry and training opportunities or give financially to the organization or the staff directly. Each staff member raises their own salary by building a support team of monthly ministry partners.
Contact: Meredith Heater, Area Representative
Website: www.NKYFCA.org
Facebook: NKY FCA
Instagram: @nkyfca
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 618-803-9391