Non-Profit Spotlight: Serving God by Connecting Resources to Needs
We are excited to feature Master Provisions as April’s Non-Profit Spotlight. Victoria Short, communications manager, explained the organization’s mission and how it serves the community.
When did Master Provisions (MP) start? Roger Babik’s life was drastically changed in 1994 when a friend asked him to take a leap of faith. After the fall of communism, Ukraine desperately needed clothing, jobs, and evangelism. Bibles and Christianity had been outlawed for 70 years and their new-found freedom left them hungry to learn more. Roger founded MP shortly after with a mission to provide to those in need. For two years he balanced starting a ministry and his corporate job. In 1996 Roger walked away from a 17-year telecommunications career to follow God’s call full-time.
What makes MP stand out? MP is unique in that we serve God by connecting resources to need. Our organization exists to uplift individuals and connect them with the tools they need. Locally, we connect food to over 180 nonprofits. We receive donated surplus items that otherwise would have ended up in a landfill and distribute them to the partners. The items typically comprise of fresh, nutritious foods and are rescued before being wasted. Nearly 4 million pounds of food were rescued and distributed just in 2019.
Internationally, we partner with organizations to provide clothing and support care programs in Central America, West Africa, and Eastern Europe. Since each country has specific needs, we are flexible in our approach to help. For example, in West Africa, we support groups who operate sewing centers to teach women a trade.
What are the greatest needs of MP? Volunteers are at the core of our operation. We have a small staff of 15 people, so we rely on daily volunteers to help us sort through donations and prepare them for our partner agencies. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit the website for more information.
Financial gifts are always appreciated and needed, and 96 percent of donations provide direct program support. When you donate to Master Provisions, you give over 180 nonprofits the resources they desperately need. We recently started our “1994 Connects” monthly giving program. By giving $19.94 month a month, your donation can provide 100 meals to a family in need. More details are on the website
How many containers have you sent? In the last 26 years, we have sent over 950 containers around the world.
How can people get involved with MP? There are many ways people can get involved. One of the biggest ways is to join us in prayer. Our prayer team comes together every Monday at 2 p.m. and Friday at 8 a.m. to pray for our volunteers, staff, and community needs. We invite you to pray with us at those times wherever you are.
Another way to get involved is by providing lunch to our volunteers. We have roughly 20 volunteers at the warehouse Monday through Friday. Lunch is served to them every day at 11:30 a.m. If you would like to provide or sponsor a meal, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator by email at [email protected].
Anything else you would like to include. We have been so blessed by the community for the last 25 years. Everything we have been able to achieve is because of amazing volunteers and supporters who come alongside us. We invite to come alongside us for the next 25 and more.Check out our website www.masterprovisions.org
We encourage you to follow our social media accounts Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @MasterProvisions. There you will find inspirational stories, scripture, and partner highlights.